So, as a token of thanks to all writing and calligraphy friends, cyberscribes, blog and website visitors, schools at which I have conducted workshops, people who I have interested... I'll give one of these boxes away (99% pristine - a small fragment of the lid's side needs reattaching). Just add a comment to go into the draw. I hope you'll also consider following this blog.
To save getting the parcel lost in the seasonal mail, I'll make the draw on Jan 1st.
I also have another promotion - this time, in association with my latest book, 'Calligraphy for Greetings Cards and Scrapbooking'.
It's available or able to be ordered from all bricks and mortar bookstores and online retailers worldwide.
As reviews help to sell books and I’m dependent on royalties, which won’t be payable until about 2,000 more copies are sold (mid- to end 2013??), I’m doing a promotion. If anyone who visits here, or any of your friends or blog readers chooses to buy a copy, after they have added a review on the retailer’s website or in a Guild/Society/industry newsletter, teacher's or librarians' journal/newsletter or similar, I will calligraph and decorate a name of their choice and snail mail it (they email me the details to Peter (at) I’ll keep this offer open until I have 10 reviews on each website, and one in each of a large number of relevant journals and newsletters.
Enjoy celebrating your seasonal festivities and wishing you Peace, Love and Joy throughout 2013 and every year,
Peter Taylor
Writing for Children